Users (gdnsl user)
User commands
gdnsl user [flags]
# List all the users of a fabric
gdnsl user --fabric '_system' --list
# List data about the specified user of a fabric
gdnsl user --fabric '_system' --list --username anurag
# Create user.
gdnsl user --fabric '_system' --email '' --username 'anurag' --password 'mm1234' --active --param 'key = value' --create
# Update user.
gdnsl user --fabric '_system' --username 'anurag' --password 'mm1234' --active --param 'key = value' --update
# Replace user.
gdnsl user --fabric '_system' --username 'anurag' --password 'mm1234' --active --param 'key = value' --replace
# Remove user.
gdnsl user --fabric '_system' --username 'anurag' --delete
-h, --help Help for user commands.
--fabric Name of the fabric.
--list Flag to list all the users.
--username Username of the specified user.
--email Email of the user.
--password Password of the user.
--active Optional flag that specifies whether the user is active. (default to true)
--create Flag to create a user.
--replace Replace the user details.
--update Update the user details.
--delete Delete a user.
Options inherited:
--config string gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)
gdnsl user get
Gets the access levels for the user.
gdnsl user get [flags]
# List the accessible streams and collections in a db for a user.
gdnsl user get --db-name geoCountry --username anurag
# List the full accessible streams and collections in a db for a user.
gdnsl user get --db-name geoCountry --username anurag --full
# List the accessible streams and collections for all dbs for a user.
gdnsl user get --username anurag
# List the full accessible streams and collections for all dbs for a user.
gdnsl user get --username anurag --full
# List all the accessible streams in a db for a user.
gdnsl user get --username anurag --db-name geoCity --all-stream
# List all the full accessible streams in a db for a user.
gdnsl user get --username anurag --db-name geoCity --all-stream --full
# Return the access level for a specific stream.
gdnsl user get --db-name geocountry --stream countryStream
# Return the access level for all collections.
gdnsl user get --username anurag --db-name geocountry --all-collection
# Return the full access level for all collections.
gdnsl user get --username anurag --db-name geocountry --all-collection --full
# Return the access level for a specific collection.
gdnsl user get --username anurag --db-name geocountry --collection country
# Get the billing access level.
gdnsl user get --username anurag --billing
# Get the list of attributes for the specified user.
gdnsl user get --username anurag --attributes
-h, --help Help to access levels for the user.
--db-name Name of the db of which you need to know the access level(Default is _system).
--fabric Name of the fabric (Default is _system).
--all-stream Get access level for all the streams.
--stream Name of the stream.
--all-collection Get access level for all the collections.
--collection Name of the collection.
--billing Get billing access level.
--attributes Flag for creating updating removing the attributes.
--full Return the full set of access levels for all databases and all collections.
--param Key=value pair as equal separated string.
Options inherited:
--config string gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)
If access level for stream is not set then default("_") access level will be use. If default("_") access level is also not set then database access level will be use.You need the Administrate server access level in order to execute this command.
gdnsl user set
Sets the access levels for the user.
gdnsl user set [flags]
# Set the stream access level to publish and subscribe for a specific stream in the database.
gdnsl user set --username anurag --db-name geoCountry --stream countryStream --permissions rw
# Set the stream access level to subscribe for a specific stream in the database.
gdnsl user set --username anurag --db-name geoCity --stream cityStream --permissions ro
# Set the stream access level to publish for a specific stream in the database.
gdnsl user set --username anurag --db-name geoState --stream stateStream --permissions wo
# Set the stream access level to No access for a specific stream in the database.
gdnsl user set --username anurag --db-name geoRegion --stream regionStream --permissions none
# Set the database access level to Administrate for a specific database.
gdnsl user set --username anurag --db-name persons --permissions rw
# Set the database access level to Access for a specific database.
gdnsl user set --username anurag --db-name persons --permissions ro
# Set the database access level to No access for a specific database.
gdnsl user set --username tanurag --db-name persons --permissions none
# Set the collection access level to Read/Write for a specific collection in the database.
gdnsl user set --username tanurag --db-name geoCountry --collection country --permissions rw
# Set the collection access level to Read Only for a specific collection in the databas.
gdnsl user set --username tanurag --db-name geoCity --collection city --permissions ro
# Set the collection access level to No access for a specific collection in the database.
gdnsl user set --username tanurag --db-name geoRegion --collection region --permissions none
# Set the billing access level to Administrate.
gdnsl user set --billing --username anurag --permissions rw
# Set the billing access level to Access.
gdnsl user set --billing --username anurag --permissions ro
# Set the billing access level to No access.
gdnsl user set --billing --username anurag --permissions none
# Set the attributes for the specific user.
gdnsl user set --attributes --username anurag --param "key1=Value1" --param "key2=Value2"
-h, --help Help to set access levels for the user.
--db-name Name of the db of which you need to know the access level(Default is _system).
--fabric Name of the fabric (Default is _system).
--stream Name of the stream.
--collection Name of the collection.
--all-collection Get access level for all the collections.
--all-stream Get access level for all the streams.
--param Key=value pair as equal separated string.
--permissions Permission flag for all the streams, collections,fabric and billing.
Options inherited:
--config string gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)
If access level for stream is not set then default("_") access level will be use. If default("_") access level is also not set then database access level will be use.You need the Administrate server access level in order to execute this command.
gdnsl user clear
Clear the access levels for the user.
gdnsl user clear [flags]
# Clears the stream access level for given stream for specific user.
gdnsl user clear --username anurag --fabric geoCountry --stream countryStream
# Clears the fabric access level on the persons fabric for the specific user.
gdnsl user clear --username anurag --fabric persons
# Clears the collection access level for the country collection in fabric geoCountry for the specific user.
gdnsl user clear --username anurag--fabric geoCountry --collection country
# Clears the billing access level of a specific user.
gdnsl user clear --username anurag --billing
# Delete attributes of a specific user.
gdnsl user clear --username anurag --attributes = 'name'
-h, --help Help to clear the access levels for the user.
--fabric Name of the fabric. (default is _system).
--stream Name of the stream.
--collection Name of the collection.
--billing Billing access level
--attributes All attributes of the user
--attribute Attribute key.
Options inherited:
--config string gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)
If access level for stream is not set then default("_") access level will be use. If default("_") access level is also not set then database access level will be use.You need the Administrate server access level in order to execute this command.