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Collections (gdnsl collection)

Commands to work with document and edge collections.

gdnsl collection [flags]


# Help for collection command group
gdnsl collection -h


  -h, --help                Help for collections.

Options inherited:

      --config string       gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)

gdnsl collection create

Create a document or edge collection.

gdnsl collection create [flags] NAME


# Create a global cities document collection
gdnsl collection create cities --type doc

# Create a global cities edge collection
gdnsl collection create cities --type edge

# Create a global cities document collection and enable collection stream
gdnsl collection create cities --type doc --stream

# Create a local cities document collection and enable collection stream
gdnsl collection create cities --type doc --stream --local

# Create a global cities document collection with custom key generator
gdnsl collection create cities --type doc --keygen traditional --userkeys


  -h, --help                Help for service.
--type string Specifies type of the collection. Values - "doc" or "edge". Default - "doc".
--stream Enable stream on the collection. Default - false
--local Specifies whether it is a local collection.
--userkeys Allow users to specify their own keys.
--keygen The keygenerator to use by GDN. Values - traditional, autoincrement, uuid and padded
traditional - This key generator generates numerical keys in ascending order
autoincrement- This key generator generates numerical keys in ascending order, the initial offset and the spacing can be configured
uuid - This key generator generates universally unique 128 bit keys, which are stored in hexadecimal human-readable format. The keys are not lexicographically sorted.
padded - This key generator generates keys of a fixed length (16 bytes) in ascending lexicographical sort order.
--keyincrement int Increment value for autoincrement key generator. Not used for other key generator types.
--keyoffset int Initial offset value for autoincrement key generator. Not used for other key generator types.
--system Specifies whether it is a system collection. Only mm admins can create system collections.
--fabric Name of the fabric to use.

Options inherited:

      --config string       gdnsl config file. (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)

gdnsl collection list

List collections.

gdnsl collection list [flags]


# List all collections except system collections
gdnsl collection list


  -h, --help                Help to list collections.
--fabric Name of the fabric to use.

Options inherited:

      --config string       gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)

gdnsl collection delete

Delete a document or edge collection.

gdnsl collection delete [flags] NAME


# Delete a cities document collection
gdnsl collection delete cities

# Delete a cities edge collection
gdnsl collection delete cities

# Delete a cities edge collection which is a system collection
gdnsl collection delete _cities --system

# Remove all documents from cities collection but leave the indexes intact
gdnsl collection delete cities --truncate


  -h, --help                Help for service.
--truncate Remove all documents from the collection but leave the indexes intact.
--system Specifies whether it is a system collection. Only mm admins can create system collections.
--fabric Name of the fabric to use.

Options inherited:

      --config string       gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)

gdnsl collection describe

Get details of a collection.

gdnsl collection describe [flags] NAME


# Get details of cities collection
gdnsl collection describe cities

# Count documents in cities collection
gdnsl collection describe cities --count


  -h, --help                Help for service.
--count To return number of documents in the collection.
--fabric Name of the fabric to use.

Options inherited:

      --config string       gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)

gdnsl collection update

Update a collection.

gdnsl collection update [flags] NAME


# Enable stream on collection cities
gdnsl collection update cities --stream

# Disable stream on collection cities
gdnsl collection update cities --no-stream

# Enable waitForSync on collection cities
gdnsl collection update cities --wait-for-sync

# Disable waitForSync on collection cities
gdnsl collection update cities --no-wait-for-sync

# Enable stream and waitForSync on collection cities
gdnsl collection update cities --stream --wait-for-sync

# Disable stream and waitForSync on collection cities
gdnsl collection update cities --no-stream --no-wait-for-sync


  -h, --help                  Help to update a collection.
--stream Enable stream on the collection.
--no-stream Disable stream on the collection.
--wait-for-sync Enable waitForSync on the collection.
--no-wait-for-sync Disable waitForSync on the collection.
--fabric Name of the fabric to use.

Options inherited:

      --config string         gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)