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Service (gdnsl service)

Service command group.

gdnsl service [flags]


  -h, --help                Help for service.

Options inherited:

      --config string       gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)
--log-http Log http traffic.

gdnsl service create

Create a service.

gdnsl service create NAME --image IMAGE [flags]


# Create a service 'mysvc' using image at dev.local/ns/image:latest
gdnsl service create mysvc --image dev.local/ns/image:latest

# Create a service with multiple environment variables
gdnsl service create mysvc --env KEY1=VALUE1 --env KEY2=VALUE2 --image dev.local/ns/image:latest

# Create or replace a service 's1' with image dev.local/ns/image:v2 using --force flag
# if service 's1' doesn't exist, it's just a normal create operation
gdnsl service create --force s1 --image dev.local/ns/image:v2

# Create or replace environment variables of service 's1' using --force flag
gdnsl service create --force s1 --env KEY1=NEW_VALUE1 --env NEW_KEY2=NEW_VALUE2 --image dev.local/ns/image:v1

# Create service 'mysvc' with port 80
gdnsl service create mysvc --port 80 --image dev.local/ns/image:latest

# Create or replace default resources of a service 's1' using --force flag
# (earlier configured resource requests and limits will be replaced with default)
# (earlier configured environment variables will be cleared too if any)
gdnsl service create --force s1 --image dev.local/ns/image:v1

# Create a service with annotation
gdnsl service create s1 --image dev.local/ns/image:v3 --annotation


  -r, --regions                  List of region names or keywords (LOCAL or ALL). Overrides the region setting in gdnsl.yml config file.
--annotation stringArray Service annotation to set. name=value; you may provide this flag any number of times to set multiple annotations.
To unset, specify the annotation name followed by a "-" (e.g., name-).
--async Create service and don't wait for it to become ready.
--concurrency-limit int Hard Limit of concurrent requests to be processed by a single replica.
--concurrency-target int Recommendation for when to scale up based on the concurrent number of incoming request. Defaults to --concurrency-limit when given.
-e, --env stringArray Environment variable to set. NAME=value; you may provide this flag any number of times to set multiple environment variables.
To unset, specify the environment variable name followed by a "-" (e.g., NAME-).
--env-from stringArray Add environment variables from a ConfigMap (prefix cm: or config-map:) or a Secret (prefix secret:).
Example: --env-from cm:myconfigmap or --env-from secret:mysecret. You can use this flag multiple times. To unset a ConfigMap/Secret reference, append "-" to the name, e.g. --env-from cm:myconfigmap-.

--force Create service forcefully, replaces existing service if any.
-h, --help Help to create a service.
--image string Image to run.
-l, --label stringArray Service label to set. name=value; you may provide this flag any number of times to set multiple labels.
To unset, specify the label name followed by a "-" (e.g., name-).
--limits-cpu string The limits on the requested CPU (e.g., 1000m).
--limits-memory string The limits on the requested memory (e.g., 1024Mi).
--lock-to-digest keep the running image for the service constant when not explicitly specifying the image.
(--no-lock-to-digest pulls the image tag afresh with each new revision) (default true)
--max-scale int Maximal number of replicas.
--min-scale int Minimal number of replicas.
--mount stringArray Mount a ConfigMap (prefix cm: or config-map:), a Secret (prefix secret: or sc:), or an existing Volume (without any prefix) on the specified directory. Example: --mount /mydir=cm:myconfigmap, --mount /mydir=secret:mysecret, or --mount /mydir=myvolume. When a configmap or a secret is specified, a corresponding volume is automatically generated. You can use this flag multiple times. For unmounting a directory, append "-", e.g. --mount /mydir-, which also removes any auto-generated volume.

--no-lock-to-digest Do not keep the running image for the service constant when not explicitly specifying the image.
(--no-lock-to-digest pulls the image tag afresh with each new revision)
-p, --port int32 The port where application listens on.
--requests-cpu string The requested CPU (e.g., 250m).
--requests-memory string The requested memory (e.g., 64Mi).
--revision-name string The revision name to set. Must start with the service name and a dash as a prefix. Empty revision name will result in the server generating a name for the revision. Accepts golang templates, allowing {{.Service}} for the service name, {{.Generation}} for the generation, and {{.Random [n]}} for n random consonants. (default "{{.Service}}-{{.Random 5}}-{{.Generation}}")

--service-account string Service account name to set. Empty service account name will result to clear the service account.
--volume stringArray Add a volume from a ConfigMap (prefix cm: or config-map:) or a Secret (prefix secret: or sc:).
Example: --volume myvolume=cm:myconfigmap or --volume myvolume=secret:mysecret. You can use this flag multiple times. To unset a ConfigMap/Secret reference, append "-" to the name, e.g. --volume myvolume-.
--wait-timeout int Seconds to wait before giving up on waiting for service to be ready. (default 600)

Options inherited:

      --config string           gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)
--log-http Log http traffic.

gdnsl service list

List available services.

gdnsl service list [name] [flags]


  # List all services
gdnsl service list

# List all services in JSON output format
gdnsl service list -o json

# List service 'web'
gdnsl service list web


  -r, --regions              List of region names or keywords (LOCAL or ALL). Overrides the region setting in gdnsl.yml config file.
-h, --help Help for list.
--no-headers When using the default output format, don't print headers (default: print headers).
-o, --output string Output format. One of: json|yaml|.

Options inherited:

      --config string        gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)
--log-http Log http traffic.

gdnsl service describe

Show details for a given service.

gdnsl service describe NAME [flags]


  -r, --regions                       List of region names or keywords (LOCAL or ALL). Overrides the region setting in gdnsl.yml config file.
--allow-missing-template-keys If true, ignore any errors in templates when a field or map key is missing in the template.
Only applies to golang and jsonpath output formats. (default true)
-h, --help Help to describe a serice.
-o, --output string Output format. One of: json|yaml
-v, --verbose More output.

Options inherited:

      --config string                 gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)
--log-http Log http traffic.

gdnsl service update

Update a service.

gdnsl service update NAME [flags]


# Updates a service 'svc' with new environment variables
gdnsl service update svc --env KEY1=VALUE1 --env KEY2=VALUE2

# Update a service 'svc' with new port
gdnsl service update svc --port 80

# Updates a service 'svc' with new requests and limits parameters
gdnsl service update svc --requests-cpu 500m --limits-memory 1024Mi

# Assign tag 'latest' and 'stable' to revisions 'echo-v2' and 'echo-v1' respectively
gdnsl service update svc --tag echo-v2=latest --tag echo-v1=stable
gdnsl service update svc --tag echo-v2=latest,echo-v1=stable

# Update tag from 'testing' to 'staging' for latest ready revision of service
gdnsl service update svc --untag testing --tag @latest=staging

# Add tag 'test' to echo-v3 revision with 10% traffic and rest to latest ready revision of service
gdnsl service update svc --tag echo-v3=test --traffic test=10,@latest=90


  -r, --regions                  List of region names or keywords (LOCAL or ALL). Overrides the region setting in gdnsl.yml config file.
--annotation stringArray Service annotation to set. name=value; you may provide this flag any number of times to set multiple annotations.
To unset, specify the annotation name followed by a "-" (e.g., name-).
--async Update service and don't wait for it to become ready.
--concurrency-limit int Hard Limit of concurrent requests to be processed by a single replica.
--concurrency-target int Recommendation for when to scale up based on the concurrent number of incoming request. Defaults to --concurrency-limit when given.
-e, --env stringArray Environment variable to set. NAME=value; you may provide this flag any number of times to set multiple environment variables.
To unset, specify the environment variable name followed by a "-" (e.g., NAME-).
--env-from stringArray Add environment variables from a ConfigMap (prefix cm: or config-map:) or a Secret (prefix secret:).
Example: --env-from cm:myconfigmap or --env-from secret:mysecret. You can use this flag multiple times.
To unset a ConfigMap/Secret reference, append "-" to the name, e.g. --env-from cm:myconfigmap-.

-h, --help Help to update a service.
--image string Image to run.
-l, --label stringArray Service label to set. name=value; you may provide this flag any number of times to set multiple labels.
To unset, specify the label name followed by a "-" (e.g., name-).
--limits-cpu string The limits on the requested CPU (e.g., 1000m).
--limits-memory string The limits on the requested memory (e.g., 1024Mi).
--lock-to-digest keep the running image for the service constant when not explicitly specifying the image.
(--no-lock-to-digest pulls the image tag afresh with each new revision) (default true)
--max-scale int Maximal number of replicas.
--min-scale int Minimal number of replicas.
--mount stringArray Mount a ConfigMap (prefix cm: or config-map:), a Secret (prefix secret: or sc:), or an existing Volume (without any prefix) on the specified directory. Example: --mount /mydir=cm:myconfigmap, --mount /mydir=secret:mysecret, or --mount /mydir=myvolume. When a configmap or a secret is specified, a corresponding volume is automatically generated. You can use this flag multiple times. For unmounting a directory, append "-", e.g. --mount /mydir-, which also removes any auto-generated volume.

--no-lock-to-digest Do not keep the running image for the service constant when not explicitly specifying the image.
(--no-lock-to-digest pulls the image tag afresh with each new revision)
-p, --port int32 The port where application listens on.
--requests-cpu string The requested CPU (e.g., 250m).
--requests-memory string The requested memory (e.g., 64Mi).
--revision-name string The revision name to set. Must start with the service name and a dash as a prefix. Empty revision name will result in the server generating a name for the revision. Accepts golang templates, allowing {{.Service}} for the service name, {{.Generation}} for the generation, and {{.Random [n]}} for n random consonants. (default "{{.Service}}-{{.Random 5}}-{{.Generation}}")

--service-account string Service account name to set. Empty service account name will result to clear the service account.
--tag strings Set tag (format: --tag revisionRef=tagName) where revisionRef can be a revision or '@latest' string representing
latest ready revision. This flag can be specified multiple times.
--traffic strings Set traffic distribution (format: --traffic revisionRef=percent) where revisionRef can be a revision or a tag or '@latest' string representing latest ready revision. This flag can be given multiple times with percent summing up to 100%.
--untag strings Untag revision (format: --untag tagName). This flag can be specified multiple times.
--volume stringArray Add a volume from a ConfigMap (prefix cm: or config-map:) or a Secret (prefix secret: or sc:). Example: --volume myvolume=cm:myconfigmap or --volume myvolume=secret:mysecret. You can use this flag multiple times. To unset a ConfigMap/Secret reference, append "-" to the name, e.g. --volume myvolume-.

--wait-timeout int Seconds to wait before giving up on waiting for service to be ready. (default 600)

Options inherited:

      --config string            gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)
--log-http Log http traffic.

gdnsl service delete

Delete a service.

gdnsl service delete NAME [flags]


  # Delete a service 'svc1' in tenant namespace
gdnsl service delete svc1


  -r, --regions             List of region names or keywords (LOCAL or ALL). Overrides the region setting in gdnsl.yml config file.
-h, --help Help to delete a service.

Options inherited:

      --config string       gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)
--log-http log http traffic