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Streams (gdnsl streams)

gdnsl streams publish

Publish message to a stream.

 gdnsl streams publish <stream-name> [flags] <message-string>


#Publish message to a stream of type global
gdnsl streams publish testStream --message "This is global stream" --global

#Publish message to a stream of type local
gdnsl streams publish testStream --message "This is local stream"


    -h, --help              Help to publish message to a stream.
--global Is stream global or not.
--message Message to be published to the stream.
--fabric Name of the fabric to use.

Options inherited:

      --config string         gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)

gdnsl streams create

Create a stream.

  gdnsl streams create <stream-name> [flags]


# Create a new stream name testStream of type global.
gdnsl streams create testStream --global

# Create a new stream name testStream of type local.
gdnsl streams create testStream


  -h, --help                  Help for streams create.
--global Is stream global or not.
--fabric Name of the fabric to use.

Options inherited:

      --config string         gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)

gdnsl streams delete

Delete a stream.

gdnsl streams delete <stream-name> [flags]


# Delete a stream of type global
gdnsl streams delete testStream --global

# Delete a stream of type local
gdnsl streams delete testStream


    -h, --help                    Help for deleting a stream.
--global Is stream global or not.
--fabric Name of the fabric to use.

Options inherited:

      --config string         gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)

gdnsl streams list

List streams.

gdnsl streams list [flags]


# list streams
gdnsl streams list

# list streams's ttl
gdnsl streams list --ttl


    -h, --help                      Help to list streams.
--fabric Name of the fabric to use.

Options inherited:

      --config string         gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)

gdnsl streams describe

Describe a stream.

 gdnsl streams describe <stream-name> [flags]


# Get stream's backlog for stream type global
gdnsl streams describe testStream --backlog --global

# Get stream's backlog for stream type local
gdnsl streams describe testStream --backlog

# Get stream's stats for stream type global
gdnsl streams describe testStream --stats --global

# Get stream's stats for stream type local
gdnsl streams describe testStream --stats

# Get stream's subscription for stream type global
gdnsl streams describe testStream --subscription --global

# Get stream's subscription for stream type local
gdnsl streams describe testStream --subscription


      -h, --help              Help to describe a stream.
--subscription Subscription for a particular stream.
--backlog Backlog for a particular stream.
--stats Stats for a particular stream.
--global Global stream. ( default is local )
--fabric Name of the fabric to use.

Options inherited:

      --config string         gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)

gdnsl streams expire

Expire messages on the stream for all subscriptions.

gdnsl streams expire <stream-name> [flags] <second-value-number>


# Expire messages on the stream for all subscriptions for stream type global
gdnsl streams expire testStream --seconds 9600 --global

# Expire messages on the stream for all subscriptions for stream type local
gdnsl streams expire testStream --seconds 9600


      -h, --help              Help for expiration time for messages on stream for all subscriptions.
--global Is stream global or not.
--seconds Value for expiring a stream message.
--fabric Name of the fabric to use.

Options inherited:

      --config string         gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)

gdnsl streams backlog

Delete backlog for all streams or for a subscription.

gdnsl streams backlog [flags]


# Clear backlog for all streams
gdnsl streams backlog --delete

# Clear subscription’s backlog
gdnsl streams backlog --delete --subscription MyTopic


      -h, --help              Help for deleting backlog.
--subscription Subscription for a particular stream.
--delete Delete backlog for streams. Default is all if subscription is not specified.
--fabric Name of the fabric to use.

Options inherited:

      --config string         gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)

gdnsl streams subscription

Delete subscription either on all streams or an a particular stream.

gdnsl streams subscription NAME [flags]


# Delete the given subscription on all streams
gdnsl streams subscription mysubscription --delete

# Delete subscription on a specific stream
gdnsl streams subscription mysubscription --stream stream1


  -h, --help            Help for deleting subscriptions
--delete Delete the given subscription on all streams
--fabric=<value> Name of the fabric. Default will be "_system"
--global Is stream global or not.
--stream=<value> Name of the streams.

Options inherited:

-c, --config=<value>     gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)

gdnsl streams ttl

Get or set message TTL (time-to-live) in seconds for streams.

gdnsl streams ttl [flags]


# Get streams TTL
gdnsl streams ttl

# Set message TTL for 3600 seconds on all streams
gdnsl streams ttl --seconds 3600


    -h, --help              Help for getting streams ttl.
--seconds Message TTL in seconds.
--fabric Name of the fabric to use.

Options inherited:

      --config string         gdnsl config file (default is ./gdnsl.yaml)