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Data Access Queries

Retrieving data from the database with C8QL does always include a RETURN operation. It can be used to return a static value, such as a string:

RETURN "Hello C8!"

The query result is always an array of elements, even if a single element was returned and contains a single element in that case: ["Hello C8!"]

The function DOCUMENT() can be called to retrieve a single document via its document handle, for instance:

RETURN DOCUMENT("users/phil")

RETURN is usually accompanied by a FOR loop to iterate over the documents of a collection.

The following query executes the loop body for all documents of a collection called users. Each document is returned unchanged in this example:

FOR doc IN users

Instead of returning the raw doc, one can easily create a projection:

FOR doc IN users
RETURN { user: doc, newAttribute: true }

For every user document, an object with two attributes is returned. The value of the attribute user is set to the content of the user document, and newAttribute is a static attribute with the boolean value true.

Operations like FILTER, SORT and LIMIT can be added to the loop body to narrow and order the result. Instead of above shown call to DOCUMENT(), one can also retrieve the document that describes user phil like so:

FOR doc IN users
FILTER doc._key == "phil"

The document key is used in this example, but any other attribute could equally be used for filtering. Since the document key is guaranteed to be unique, no more than a single document will match this filter. For other attributes this may not be the case.

To return a subset of active users (determined by an attribute called status), sorted by name in ascending order, you can do:

FOR doc IN users
FILTER doc.status == "active"

Operations do not have to occur in a fixed order and that their order can influence the result significantly. Limiting the number of documents before a filter is usually not what you want, because it easily misses a lot of documents that would fulfill the filter criterion, but are ignored because of a premature LIMIT clause. Because of the aforementioned reasons, LIMIT is usually put at the very end, after FILTER, SORT and other operations.

Refer to C8QL Operations for more information.