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Quickstart - Document Collections

This page guides you through quickly getting started with document collections.


Let's assume your

  • Tenant name is and
  • User password is xxxxxx.

SDK download

  pyC8 requires Python 3.5+. Python 3.6 or higher is recommended

To install pyC8, simply run

$ pip3 install pyC8

or, if you prefer to use conda:

conda install -c conda-forge pyC8

or pipenv:

pipenv install --pre pyC8

Once the installation process is finished, you can begin developing applications in Python.

Code Sample

  from c8 import C8Client
import pprint
import time

if __name__ == '__main__':

# Variables - URLs

# Variables - DB
EMAIL = ""
PASSWORD = "xxxxx"
GEO_FABRIC = "_system"
COLLECTION_NAME = "ddoslist"

# Variables - Queries
READ_QUERY = f"FOR device in ddoslist FILTER device.ip == {IP_ADDRESS} RETURN" + "{IP:device.ip, IsAllowed:device.action}"

INSERT_QUERY = "INSERT { \"ip\" : \"" + IP_ADDRESS + "\", \"action\": \"block\", \"rule\":\"blocklistA\"} INTO ddoslist"

# Variables - Data
DATA = [
{"ip": "", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistA"},
{"ip": "", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistA"},
{"ip": "", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistB"},
{"ip": "", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistA"},
{"ip": "", "action": "block", "rule": "blocklistB"},
{"ip": "", "action": "allow", "rule": "allowlistA"},
{"ip": "", "action": "allow", "rule": "allowlistA"},
{"ip": "", "action": "allow", "rule": "allowlistB"},
{"ip": "", "action": "allow", "rule": "allowlistB"}
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

# Step 1: Open connection to GDN. You will be routed to closest region.
print(f"1. CONNECT: federation: {GLOBAL_URL}, user: {EMAIL}")
client = C8Client(protocol = 'https', host = GLOBAL_URL, port = 443,
email = EMAIL, password = PASSWORD,
geofabric = GEO_FABRIC)

# Step 2: Create a collection if not exists
print(f"2. CREATE_COLLECTION: region: {GLOBAL_URL}, collection: {COLLECTION_NAME}")
if client.has_collection(COLLECTION_NAME):
collection = client.collection(COLLECTION_NAME)
collection = client.create_collection(COLLECTION_NAME)

# Step 3: Insert data into collection.
print(f"3. INSERT_DDOS_DATA: in region: {GLOBAL_URL}")
client.insert_document(COLLECTION_NAME, document = DATA)

# Step 4: Read Data
print(f"4. IS_IP_ALLOWED...from region: {GLOBAL_URL}")
cursor = client.execute_query(READ_QUERY)
docs = [document for document in cursor]
if docs == []:
print(f"IP: {IP_ADDRESS}" + "IsAllowed: {"'allow'"}\n")

# Step 5: Blocklist IP Address
print(f"5. BLOCKLIST the IP...from region: {GLOBAL_URL}, ip: {IP_ADDRESS}")
cursor = client.execute_query(INSERT_QUERY)

# Step 6: Read Data from other regions.
print("6. Check again if IP is allowed globally")
for region_url in REGION_URLS:
print(f"\n IS_IP_ALLOWED...cheking from region: {region_url}")
clientx = C8Client(protocol = 'https', host = region_url, port = 443, email = EMAIL, password = PASSWORD,
geofabric = GEO_FABRIC)
cursorx = clientx.execute_query(READ_QUERY)
docs = [document for document in cursorx]

# Step 7: Delete Data
print(f"\n7. DELETE_DATA: region: {GLOBAL_URL}, collection: {COLLECTION_NAME}")