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grpc (Sink)

This extension publishes event data encoded into GRPC Classes as defined in the user input jar. This extension has a default gRPC service classes added. The default service is called "EventService". If we want to use our custom gRPC services, we have to pack auto-generated gRPC service classes and protobuf classes into a jar file and add it into the project classpath (or to the jars folder in the stream processor-tooling folder if we use it with stream processor-tooling). This grpc sink is used for scenarios where we send a request and don't expect a response back. I.e getting a google.protobuf.Empty response back.


CREATE SINK <NAME> WITH (type="grpc", map.type="<STRING>", publisher.url="<STRING>", headers="<STRING>", idle.timeout="<LONG>", keep.alive.time="<LONG>", keep.alive.timeout="<LONG>", keep.alive.without.calls="<BOOL>", enable.retry="<BOOL>", max.retry.attempts="<INT>", retry.buffer.size="<LONG>", per.rpc.buffer.size="<LONG>", channel.termination.waiting.time="<LONG>", truststore.file="<STRING>", truststore.password="<STRING>", truststore.algorithm="<STRING>","<STRING>", keystore.file="<STRING>", keystore.password="<STRING>", keystore.algorithm="<STRING>", enable.ssl="<BOOL>", mutual.auth.enabled="<BOOL>")

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
publisher.urlThe url to which the outgoing events should be published via this extension. This url should consist the host hostPort, port, fully qualified service name, method name in the following format. grpc://<serviceName>/<methodName> For example: grpc://
headersGRPC Request headers in format "'<key>:<value>','<key>:<value>'". If header parameter is not provided just the payload is sent-STRINGYesNo
idle.timeoutSet the duration in seconds without ongoing RPCs before going to idle mode.1800LONGYesNo
keep.alive.timeSets the time in seconds without read activity before sending a keepalive ping. Keepalives can increase the load on services so must be used with caution. By default set to Long.MAX_VALUE which disables keep alive pinging.Long.MAX_VALUELONGYesNo
keep.alive.timeoutSets the time in seconds waiting for read activity after sending a keepalive ping.20LONGYesNo
keep.alive.without.callsSets whether keepalive will be performed when there are no outstanding RPC on a connection.falseBOOLYesNo
enable.retryEnables the retry mechanism provided by the gRPC library.falseBOOLYesNo
max.retry.attemptsSets max number of retry attempts. The total number of retry attempts for each RPC will not exceed this number even if service config may allow a higher number.5INTYesNo
retry.buffer.sizeSets the retry buffer size in bytes. If the buffer limit is exceeded, no RPC could retry at the moment, and in hedging case all hedges but one of the same RPC will cancel.16777216LONGYesNo
per.rpc.buffer.sizeSets the per RPC buffer limit in bytes used for retry. The RPC is not retriable if its buffer limit is exceeded.1048576LONGYesNo
channel.termination.waiting.timeThe time in seconds to wait for the channel to become terminated, giving up if the timeout is reached.5LONGYesNo
truststore.filethe file path of truststore. If this is provided then server authentication is enabled-STRINGYesNo
truststore.passwordthe password of truststore. If this is provided then the integrity of the keystore is checked-STRINGYesNo
truststore.algorithmthe encryption algorithm to be used for server authentication-STRINGYesNo store type-STRINGYesNo
keystore.filethe file path of keystore. If this is provided then client authentication is enabled-STRINGYesNo
keystore.passwordthe password of keystore-STRINGYesNo
keystore.algorithmthe encryption algorithm to be used for client authentication-STRINGYesNo
enable.sslto enable ssl. If set to true and truststore.file is not given then it will be set to default carbon jks by defaultFALSEBOOLYesNo
mutual.auth.enabledto enable mutual authentication. If set to true and truststore.file or keystore.file is not given then it will be set to default carbon jks by defaultFALSEBOOLYesNo

Example 1

CREATE SINK FooStream WITH (type='grpc', map.type='JSON', publisher.url = 'grpc://') (message String);

Here a stream named FooStream is defined with grpc sink. A grpc server should be running at listening to port 8080. is set to 1 here. So we can write a source with 1 so that it will listen to responses for requests published from this stream. Note that since we are using EventService/consume the sink will be operating in default mode

Example 2

CREATE SINK FooStream WITH (type='grpc', map.type='JSON', publisher.url = 'grpc://', headers='{{headers}}', map.payload='{{message}}') (message String, headers String);

A similar example to above but with headers. Headers are also send into the stream as a data. In the sink headers dynamic property reads the value and sends it as MetaData with the request

Example 3

CREATE SINK FooStream WITH (type='grpc', map.type='protobuf', publisher.url = 'grpc://') (stringValue string, intValue int,longValue long,booleanValue bool,floatValue float,doubleValue double);

Here a stream named FooStream is defined with grpc sink. A grpc server should be running at listening to port 8080 since there is no mapper provided, attributes of stream definition should be as same as the attributes of protobuf message definition.

Example 4

CREATE SINK FooStream WITH (type='grpc', map.type='protobuf', publisher.url = 'grpc://') (stringValue string, intValue int,map object);

Here a stream named FooStream is defined with grpc sink. A grpc server should be running at listening to port 8080. The map object in the stream definition defines that this stream is going to use Map object with grpc service. We can use any map object that extends java.util.AbstractMap class.

Example 5

CREATE SINK FooStream WITH (type='grpc', map.type='protobuf', publisher.url = 'grpc://', map.payload="stringValue='a',longValue='b',intValue='c',booleanValue='d',floatValue = 'e', doubleValue = 'f'"') (a string, b long, c int,d bool,e float,f double);

Here a stream named FooStream is defined with grpc sink. A grpc server should be running at listening to port 8080. map.payload is provided in this stream, therefore we can use any name for the attributes in the stream definition, but we should correctly map those names with protobuf message attributes. If we are planning to send metadata within a stream we should use map.payload to map attributes to identify the metadata attribute and the protobuf attributes separately.

Example 6

CREATE SINK FooStream WITH (type='grpc', map.type='protobuf', publisher.url = 'grpc://') (stringValue string, intValue int,longValue long,booleanValue bool,floatValue float,doubleValue double);

Here in the grpc sink, we are sending a stream of requests to the server that runs on and port 8888. When we need to send a stream of requests from the grpc sink we have to define a client stream RPC method.Then the stream processor will identify whether it's a unary method or a stream method and send requests according to the method type.