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max (Function)

This function returns the greater value of p1 and p2.



Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
p1One of the input values to be compared in order to find the larger value of the twoINT LONG FLOAT DOUBLENoYes
p2The input value to be compared with p1 in order to find the larger value of the two.INT LONG FLOAT DOUBLENoYes

Example 1

CREATE STREAM InValueStream (inValue1 double,inValue2 int);

insert into OutMediationStream
select math:max(inValue1,inValue2) as maxValue
from InValueStream;

If two input values inValue1, and inValue2 are given, the function compares them and directs the larger value to the output stream, OutMediationStream. For example, max(123.67d, 91) returns 123.67.