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tokenize (Stream Processor)

Tokenize the map and return each key, value as new attributes in events


map:tokenize(<OBJECT> map)
map:tokenize(<OBJECT> map, <OBJECT> ...)

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
mapHash map containing key value pairsOBJECTNoYes

Extra Return Attributes

NameDescriptionPossible Types
keyKey of an entry consisted in the mapOBJECT
valueValue of an entry consisted in the map. If more than one map is given, then an Array List of values from each map is returned for the value attribute.OBJECT

Example 1

CREATE STREAM StockStream(symbol string, price float);

insert into TempStream
select map:collect(symbol, price) as symbolPriceMap

insert into SymbolStream
select key, value
from TempStream#map:tokenize(customMap);

Based on the length batch window, symbolPriceMap will collect two events, and the map will then again tokenized to give 2 events with key and values being symbol name and price respectively.