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sizeOfSet (Stream Function)

The pol2Cart function calculating the cartesian coordinates x & y for the given theta, rho coordinates and adding them as new attributes to the existing events.


pol2Cart(<DOUBLE> theta, <DOUBLE> rho)
pol2Cart(<DOUBLE> theta, <DOUBLE> rho, <DOUBLE> z)

Query Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValuePossible Data TypesOptionalDynamic
thetaThe theta value of the coordinates.DOUBLENoYes
rhoThe rho value of the coordinates.DOUBLENoYes
zz value of the cartesian coordinates.If z value is not given, drop the third parameter of the output.DOUBLEYesYes

Example 1

insert into outputStream
select x, y
from PolarStream#pol2Cart(theta, rho);

This returns cartesian coordinates (4.99953024681082, 0.06853693328228748) for theta: 0.7854 and rho: 5.

Example 2

insert into outputStream
select x, y, z
from PolarStream#pol2Cart(theta, rho, 3.4);

This returns cartesian coordinates (4.99953024681082, 0.06853693328228748, 3.4)for theta: 0.7854 and rho: 5 and z: 3.4.